Bring Your Hypnotic Talents to the Stage – Show Biz Tips for Hypnotists

Pre Registration Required $195.00
23 Oct 2015
09:00 - 17:00

Bring Your Hypnotic Talents to the Stage – Show Biz Tips for Hypnotists

You know how to hypnotize people and have always wondered about doing it on a stage in front of an audience. If you could only get a concise package of tips and solid advice. A little shot of courage. Mr and Mrs Hypnotist have performed everywhere from comedy podcasts to corporate to outdoor music festivals. Beth is a NGH Certified Hypnotist and Paul is a lovely assistant. We will also share what we have learned from acting and stand up comedy. You will get a sense of what it is like to do a stage show and then realize that you can do it. If you can do the first one…